
Thanks for visiting Westview Elementary's school blog. This site is updated weekly with important information to keep parents and other stakeholders informed.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kindergarten Cap and Gown Pictures

Kindergarten cap and gown pictures will be taken on February 10, 2012.  Proofs will be provided for parents.  Therefore students do not have to pay in advance.  Lifetouch Photography will also provide graduation certificates with the cap/gown photos on the certificates at no charge as well.  Flyers for these upcoming pictures will go out soon. 

Spring Pictures

Spring pictures will be taken on February 3, 2012.  These pictures are pre-paid only, meaning that the students must have the money for the pictures at the time the pictures will be taken.  Flyers for the upcoming spring pictures will be given to students to take home on January 26, 2012. 

WES Black History Program Rehearsals

Rehearsals for the upcoming Black History Program will begin on January 26, 2012.  All rehearsals will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays only and will start promptly at 3:45pm and end at 4:45pm.  Parents must be at the school at 4:45pm to pick up their children.  Children left at the school past 5:00pm will not be allowed to practice after school, resulting in being denied participation in the program.  I know this may sound harsh, but it is unfair for volunteer parents and teachers to have to wait for long periods of time for children to be picked up.  These rehearsals are for 1st - 5th grade students only.  Kindergartners will rehearse during the school day only and not after school.  One more thing, due to the large number of students already signed up to participate, we cannot accept any more permission slips at this time.  I have a limited number of parents and teachers committed to working with the students after school, and we are stretched as far as we can go.  Feel free to contact Dr. Seldon if you have any questions or concerns.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

MLK Holiday

There will be no school on January 16th, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Report Cards for 2nd 9 Weeks

Report cards for the second 9 weeks go out on January 11th.  We have scheduled an Honors Assembly Program on January 13th recognizing students with all As and A/Bs for the second 9 weeks.  The K-2 program will start at 8:45am and the 3-5 program will start at 9:30am.   

Parent Advisory Committee (PAC)

The Westview PAC is currently working on our Black History Program scheduled for February 24th.  We initially met on January 4th to discuss the details of the program.  Any parent is welcome to join the committee and help plan for this event and other upcoming events.  We are in need of volunteers to work with the students one hour after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Contact the front office if you are interested in working on the Black History Program and/or joining the PAC.   

Black History Program Permission Slips

On January 6th, we distributed permission slips for students to participate in the Black History Program on February 24th.  Last year's program was a big success and we intend to make this year's program just as successful.  However, rehearsals for this year's program have to be held after school.  Spring assessments are right around the corner, and classroom instruction time has to be preserved.  If you or another responsible adult can pick your child up after school from rehearsals, then please allow your child to participate.  Please send the completed rehearsal form back by your child as soon as possible.  Every participating student must have a signed form on file.  Rehearsals will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:45 to 4:45pm.  We will let the parents know when the rehearsals will start. 

Letters To Santa Contest Winners

Cable TV of East AL sponsored a Letters To Santa Contest before the Christmas Break.  Out of 70 entries throughout Phenix City, only 3 students were selected as winners.  Two of the winners are Westview students:  Amil Levitt and Demetrius Elias.  Both students are in Ms. Anthony's class.  Each of the 3 winners received $100 each.  Way to go! 

Christmas Program DVDs Still on Sale

The DVDs from our recent Christmas Program are still on sale for $6 each.  Copies are being sold in the front office.  All proceeds are going towards PTA.