
Thanks for visiting Westview Elementary's school blog. This site is updated weekly with important information to keep parents and other stakeholders informed.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Field Day

Westivew's 2012 Field Day will be on April 26th at Garrett Stadium.  I recently sent home Field Day T shirt order forms, asking every parent to purchase a T shirt for his/her child.  Every grade level will have a different color shirt which makes it a lot easier for us to manage roughly 400 students at the stadium.  The proceeds will help me pay for the $600 transportation bill for transporting everyone to and from the stadium.  Please purchase a T shirt for every child you have that attends Westview. 

Schoolwide Fundraiser

Our last schoolwide fundraiser for the year will be World's Finest Chocolate fundraiser.  The students will be given order packages to pre-sell these delicious chocolate bars April 9-23.  Please support this effort by selling as many as possible.  Top student sellers will be recognized and rewarded.  All proceeds will go towards school operational costs.  Thank you in advance for your help and support.   

Relay For Life Fundraiser

We have been selling gold nuggets in each class to raise money for Relay For Life.  We have motivated the students to buy these paper nuggets in an attempt to fill their pots with the most nuggets.  The two classes with the most nuggets get the opportunity to challenge faculty and staff members to a game of kickball.  A class will be chosen from K-2 and 3-5.  The game itself will take place at the baseball field on March 22nd.  This will be something to see.  The students are so excited.  Pictures are on the way!

Spring Break

Spring Break is March 26 - 30.  When we return, we will have one more week before we start spring testing.  Make sure our students get plenty of rest. 

Honors Assembly Program

Our 3rd 9 weeks Honors Assembly Program will be held on March 23, 2012.  Recognition of K-2 honor students will start at 8:45am and 3-5 honor students' recognition will start at 9:30am.  Come join us in celebrating our fabulous students!

Spring Testing

All public schools in Alabama test their students on an annual basis.  The testing window for us this year is April 10-18.  We will test our 2nd graders on the OLSAT and 3rd-5th graders on the ARMT Plus.  Parents please get them here on time for these dates.  Last year I went looking for a student who was absent several days during the testing window.  That’s just how important attendance is for these assessments.  AYP results are based on the ARMT Plus results.  Tardiness can really pose a problem for us during this testing period.  We plan to start testing each day at 9:00am.  Once the test has started, we cannot allow a late student into the classroom that is being tested.  We have no other choice but to wait until that afternoon to test late students.  So please work with us in getting them here and on time.      

STI Portal for Parents

All parents of students in Alabama public schools can view grades, attendance, and more via an Internet connection.  The parent will need his/her child’s username, password, and the STI website address.  Contact the principal for more details. 

Want to Volunteer Your Time and Talents?

Westview invites parents to assist in the classroom with your children or volunteer via the Parent Advisory Committee (PAC).  This group of volunteer parents have worked with the planning of various functions, such as Parents' Day, Christmas Program, Black History Program, and Career Day.  They will soon be working with Ms. Kimmel (the reading coach) to plan for a Reading Night program.  If you're interested in being a part or would like to work in other areas, please contact
Dr. Seldon. 

Program DVDs on Sale

We still have extra DVDs from the Black History program and Christmas program.  Both DVDs are on sale for $5 while supplies last.  You can purchase them through the front office.

Westview Career Day

This year's Career Day will be on March 21st from 1:00 to 3:00pm.  Guests will include musicians, fire dept, and police dept among others.  Pictures will be posted soon.