
Thanks for visiting Westview Elementary's school blog. This site is updated weekly with important information to keep parents and other stakeholders informed.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

5th Grade Tour of PCIS

Each year all 5th graders in the Phenix City School District are invited to attend a tour of Phenix City Intermediate School.  This is to ensure a smooth transition from 5th grade to 6th grade.  This year's tour is scheduled for April 25, 2012 from 9:00am to 11:00am.  Transportation will be provided.  Since this is considered a field trip, all participating 5th graders must have a signed permission form on file.  We will distribute permission slips to all 5th graders on Monday, April 23, 2012.  Please complete the forms ASAP and return them so that your child can participate.  Thanks!

Field Day Permission Forms

Our 2012 Field Day will be on April 26, 2012 at Garrett Stadium (9:00am-2:00pm).  Since this is considered a field trip, all participating students must have signed permission forms on file.  Students will be given permission slips on Monday (April 23rd).  Please complete them and send them back ASAP.  Due to excessive discipline issues, some students will be denied participation and will remain at the school.  You will be notified soon if your child will not be allowed to attend.  T shirt funds will be reimbursed for those students who cannot attend.

Winners of the Assessment Drawings

These are the winners of the drawings for four $25 Walmart gift cards:  Quentin Scott (2nd grade), ZaQuien Whitehead (3rd grade), JaKyra Crawford (4th grade), and Danesha Scott (5th grade-not pictured).

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Student Assessments Incentive

As a means of encouraging student attendance and effort for the ARMT+, we decided to have a drawing for four $25 Walmart gift cards.  Each day of testing that the students come to school on time, do their best, and exhibit good behavior, their names will be placed in a box for their grade levels.  That means if they meet these requirements each day of testing, their names get added to the box based on the total number of days they tested.  Second graders only took one test, the OLSAT.  Third through fourth graders will take 4 tests, and the 5th graders will take 5 tests in all.  On April 18th, I will draw a name from each of the 4 boxes.  Each student will receive a $25 Walmart gift card.  By the way, this information was sent home before testing started, and I also made mention of the drawings in a School Cast call out to the parents on April 9th at 6pm.  Get the students here on time and here everyday of testing!!!!

ARMT Plus Assessments

We are currently into our 3rd day of testing for the ARMT Plus.  Third through fifth grade students will be tested on math skills today.  Parents please continue to get your children here on time and here every day of testing.  Third through fifth graders will test on Friday for parts 2 and 3 of the math assessments for the ARMT+.  The next and last day of testing will be on Tuesday, April 17th, in which the 5th graders will take the science portion.  Each day we give make-ups for those students who were either late or absent on a particular day of testing.  This process is a lot easier when all students are present and accounted for.  AYP results are based solely on this assessment.  Please continue to work with us as we complete this window of testing. 

3rd 9 Weeks Top Accelerated Reader Classes

The top AR classes for the 3rd 9 weeks are:  Ms. James (K), Ms. A Johnson (1st), Ms. Anthony (2nd), Ms. Jones (3rd), Mr. Amos (4th), and Ms. Graf (5th). 

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Relay For Life Basket Raffle

The Phenix City School District will raffle off 13 Theme Baskets for Relay For Life.  Each school had to create a basket based on a theme.  Thanks to Ms. Burditt, Westview created a basket with a kitchen theme, consisting of a crock pot, recipe books, and other handy kitchen items.  Each ticket costs only a dollar for any of the theme baskets.  The drawing will take place on May 4, 2012.  You still have time to purchase tickets.  Contact any of the schools for more details. 

Career Day Highlights

 Career Day was held on March 21, 2012.  There was a student competition held for best costumes along with guest speakers representing various careers.  Speakers included Pastor Sanders, Gorilla Guitars, Dr. Chandra, and Police Dept.  We ended the day with popcorn, cotton candy, and snow cones. 

Relay For Life Kickball Competition

 Westview conducted a fundraiser for Relay For Life in which the students purchased gold nuggets to fill their classrooms' pots of gold.  The classes from K-2 and 3-5 with the most nuggets got the opportunity to challenge the faculty and staff to a game of kickball.  Ms. James' and Mr. Harrison's classes won the competition.  The rest of the students paid a dollar to watch the games.  This was indeed a successful fundraiser. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Field Day T Shirts

Thank you to all the parents who purchased the T shirts.  A little over 3/4 of the students have T shirts purchased.  The proceeds will go towards the $600 transportation bill to transport the entire school to Garrett Stadium.  Each grade level will have a different color T shirt.  More details are coming!